Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Views From the Field

There are several strategies employed for nutrient management: buffer strips, timing of fertilizer applications, adoption of nitrogen stabilizers, and adoption of new technologies to name a few. Despite significant information, nutrient management practices are not universally adopted.

As corn acreage is increased for biofuel production, how should we proceed?
What are your thoughts on encouraging adoption of BMPs?
Which BMPs give more bang for their buck?
What is the contribution from urban landuses to nutrient pollution?
What BMPs are useful to mitigate urban pollution?
Should we outreach to urban lawn care specialists?

A Soil Science Society Of America (SSSA) Statement
A Soil and Water Conservation Society Workshop
Press Release from the National Science Foundation


Anonymous said...

The SSSA Nutrient Management Position Statement is good, except that it does not set a clear expectation that our certified advisors/professionals will follow published nutrient management recommendations and standards in their professional activities just as any other professional is expected to follow best practices of the profession to maintain certification. Advice given by these professionals to farmers is key in improving practices relative to environmental as well as economic outcomes.

Anonymous said...

When you singled out Maryland’s program you missed a nearly identical program the neighboring state of Delaware. The Delaware Nutrient Management Act (1999) contains many similar requirements, including mandatory nutrient management planning. Nutrient management plans are required for all operations (including turf) that apply nutrients to more than 10 acres of land. Operations that have only animals (they don’t apply of fertilizers or manures) are required to have an animal waste management plan.

On the Nutrient Management website ( you will also find that Delaware has invested a considerable sum of money in a manure transport program and in cost-sharing many aspects of nutrient management plan development. In addition, since 2001 more than 3,000 individuals have attended at least six hours of required nutrient management certification training.